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Edit your company profile

Estimated reading: 1 minute 122 views

Ensuring that your company or brand profile remains current and accurate is crucial for establishing and maintaining credibility with journalists and publications. Journalists rely on online information to craft their stories, and having an updated profile can significantly enhance their confidence in your company’s legitimacy and reliability as a source. Moreover, publications often seek out companies with well-maintained profiles when looking for expert opinions, insights, or contributions to their content. By keeping your company profile updated with relevant information such as recent achievements, milestones, and industry accolades, you increase the likelihood of being approached for media opportunities.

To edit your company profile, go to Account > Settings > Company.

You can update your information in the given form anytime as you like. Once done, click on the save button.

Alternatively, you can follow the given steps to update your company profile.

Go to Account > Company and then click on the Edit Studio button on the company page. You will thereafter be directed to the same form shown above. Update any information that you wish to and click the Save button.


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